Chattoir Editorials


Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Anna Semenenko / Интервью с Анной Семененко

in Interviews at 29 November 2022
Chattoir Interview with an Internationally recognized Russian Violinist and Concertmaster in English and Russian The music of W.A. Mozart, J. Brahms, M. Herea not only attracts me, it takes me to another space of our universe, where musical sounds come to life, intertwine into harmonies, unite into melodic phrases, add up to a musical thought and begin to live and breathe in brilliant masterpieces. The wonderful thing is that I have the opportunity with my instrument to perform the masterpieces of my favorite composers and convey to the listeners the subtle vibrations of the Universe.
Ionut Bulimej

Chattoir Interview with Diana Bucur (in Romanian)

in Interviews at 08 March 2020
Chattoir Interview with a Romanian soprano (in Romanian) "Talentele adevărate au avut mereu un drum greu de străbătut şi multe piedici în faţă. Ştiţi cum se spune: nimeni nu este profet în ţara lui." Diana Bucur
Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Sofia de Salis

in Interviews at 10 November 2019
Chattoir interview with a Russian-Swiss flutist "I dream that as many children and people as possible would be engaged in music and/or art. People will always be drawn to the beautiful and if I can inspire and motivate someone to develop their creative abilities, then I live my life not in vain." Sofia de Salis
Chattoir Admin

Chattoir Interview with Aria Artis

in Interviews at 14 February 2018
Chattoir Interview with a painter. "(...) Arta inseamna pentru mine libertate totala, nu numai de a-ti aduce in lumina trairile, gindurile, ideile, lumea interioara, ci si de a crea, prelucra, modifica realitatea" Aria Artis
Mirela Paduraru

Chattoir Interview with Dana Tudor

in Interviews at 17 November 2017
"My curiosity, enthusiasm and passion to discover people’s talents as resources pushed me every day to really look and listen to the person in front of me in order to discover his / her inner treasures" Dana Tudor
Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Costantino Catena

in Interviews at 19 October 2017
"Certainly it is impossible to be indifferent before or during a performance, as it is impossible to completely detach yourself from the emotions. By being able to channel emotions in the right way, one enriches a performance and makes it an ever-unique event linked to that particular emotional and mental state." Costantino Catena
Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Horacio Parravicini

in Interviews at 04 October 2017
"Every human being owns a beautiful voice. The advice is to be loyal to yourself. We can add platinum crowns, emeralds, etc, but don't be confused, as the name indicates, this is an instrument to communicate through music, and you are the musician, the artist." Horacio Parravicini
Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Ludwig Böhm

in Interviews at 11 August 2017
"My interest in Theobald Böhm was raised in 1981, when a great exhibition was organized in the Munich Municipal Museum in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his death and when the director of the museum asked me many questions about Theobald, which I couldn’t answer. I only knew that there was somebody who had something to do with the flute. From that time on, I consider it as my life-task to keep the memory of Theobald alive." (Ludwig Böhm)
Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Ivajla Kirova

in Interviews at 26 July 2017
"I think I am a strong-willed and honest person - I always say what I think, whether people like it or not. I always go my own way and not the one that people want me to." Ivajla Kirova
Yulia Berry

Chattoir Interview with Rogier de Pijper

in Interviews at 21 June 2017
"For me music is a way to express myself. It is a language that says much more than all the words of the world all together. After a concert people often come to me and tell me they liked the concert. If they have a smile on their face I’m happy, if they also have twinkles in their eyes I truly achieved my goal. Besides that I hope to inspire as many people as possible." (Rogier de Pijper)
Chattoir Admin

Chattoir Interview with Mirela Paduraru

in Interviews at 18 June 2017
"I love to see people happy and content with themselves. I like to teach them how to look into the mirror with joy, how to get healthier and look young for longer time." (Mirela Paduraru)
Chattoir Admin

Chattoir Interview with Luiza Cala (Romanian)

in Interviews at 05 June 2017
"Locul meu de taină este la mine în gând. Este un loc mirific în care mă împodobesc cu puteri nelimitate." Luiza Cala
Yulia Berry

Interview with Composer Marius Herea

in Interviews at 01 June 2017
"A composer has the responsibility to renew the styles and bring novelty to the world" Marius Herea